VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) What Is VRML? VRML, or Virtual Reality Modeling Language, is an ancient language but still lets you create simple three-dimensional objects. This month we’ll look at the VRML language, or Virtual Reality Modeling Language, which lets you create simple three-dimensional models. As one of the first such languages, it has been abandoned for better languages. For example, X3D and O3D incorporate and extend ideas found in VRML. I love VRML because it lets you open a simple text editor, type or copy/paste a few commands, then see and move around the 3D model in a viewer. Tweak the file a bit, save the file, then refresh the viewer to see your updated model. As with HTML (HyperText Markup Language) for web pages, VRML made it easy to understand and code basic concepts involved in the display of 3D models. Today, anyone can click a computer mouse to open SketchUp, figure out how to make a simple box, then view and rotate the box in the s...